65 Facts About Roof Shingles
Think you know all you need to know about roof shingles? Check your knowledge against these 65 helpful facts about the nation’s most popular roofing choice.
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Think you know all you need to know about roof shingles? Check your knowledge against these 65 helpful facts about the nation’s most popular roofing choice.
Are cracks showing in your home’s brickwork? Don’t panic. Read this helpful report to learn more about what brick cracking is and what you can do to stop it.
Feeling alarmed about a water stain that’s popped up on your ceiling? Every homeowner should read this instructive (and entertaining) how-to for determining what’s causing the water stain and what you should do next.
Is the soil quality beneath your home causing it to settle unevenly? While it seems like an obscure problem to have, the reality is that uneven settling can cause bigger problems for your home in the long run. Check out the link below for more information about what you can do to stop that from happening.
Your drain-waste-vent system is one part of a system that gets sewage and greywater away from your home while regulating air pressure in the waste-system pipes to help with free flow. Do you know what’s going on in your drain-waste-vent system? Now’s a great time to find out.
The electrical system in your home carries electricity throughout each room and to each appliance, functioning a lot like the veins and arteries that carry blood to organs in your body. But how safe is your electrical panel? Find the answer here.
Keeping your air conditioning unit running smoothly is key to having a stress-free and cool summer. For tips on how to keep your unit in top shape, check out these ten steps.
Here is a link from the United States Environmental Protection Agency about radon.
Of all the rooms in your home, having mold in your bedroom is one of the most-high risk, simply due to the significant amount of time your spend in there asleep exposing yourself to mold. Read more about mold exposure and sleep here.
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